Water Water Water
Please drink at least a litre of water before you arrive.
Come on an empty stomach
Come on an empty stomach of at least two hours, If you are hungry in the 2 hours before class a piece of fruit or juice is a good choice, in time you will know what works best for you.
Every class on our schedule is suitable for beginners to experienced students.
You are going to sweat so try and avoid loose clothing. Women normally wear sports tops and bottoms(leggings/shorts). Men normally wear shorts and T-shirt or sports top
Do I need to be flexible?
If you are not flexible then this yoga is for you! People from all walks of life and in very different physical conditions are welcome to class. Increased flexibility is a great side effect of a regular practice, but not a prerequisite!
No booking required!
Bookings are NOT required; but please arrive 15 minutes before your first class.
What do I need to bring?
Bring 2 towels, water and a yoga mat (all available to rent/buy at the studio).
Is parking available ?
Parking is available in our car park. Spaces are limited so please park close to each other to make the most of the space and please don’t block other businesses. Remember parking is always free and available on the Tramore rd…5 seconds dash from our front door!
Extra Information
Know that your practice will take time, you won’t get everything on the first day. Trust and listen to your instructors; with time and patience it will come.
Come back soon! The more you come the more you learn. Getting back into the hot room as soon as possible helps relieve stiffness and soreness, and build your understanding of the yoga.
Yoga Feet
We practice Bikram yoga barefoot. Shoes can be worn in the changing room and reception area or you may prefer to wear indoor shoes i.e: flip flops.
Please do not take or wear ANY footwear into the Yoga room.
If you have any foot complaints please make sure that you are wearing appropriate foot coverings or you may be asked to leave the class. Socks can be worn if you have foot conditions.
What if I have a slight injury?
Please inform the teacher of any concerns or injuries you may have.
Health Changes or Injuries
Please keep us regularly informed of any health changes or injuries.
We have plenty of designated parking please see our “contact” tab at the top for more information on parking. Please park carefully.
Leave your bags in the changing rooms but bring any valuables into the yoga room. There are cubby holes in the room where you can store them. Please make sure all mobile phones are switched off. Valuables and possessions are left at the owner’s risk.