In order to keep and maintain accurate records, Total Bikram Yoga Cork Limited will record, keep and process personal data relating to members, employees and instructors. Data may be recorded, kept or processed in hard and/or soft copy form in accordance with the Data Protection Acts 1998 to 2003. All personal data will be obtained as far as possible from individual members are minors, the consent of their parents and/or guardians will be sought. Personal data will only be obtained and held for justifiable reasons and specified purposes. Such purposes include but are not limited to the following: –

Registration for membership including Contact details for each member

Establishing a register for contacts/next of kin case of emergency

Administering individual programs for members

Establishing a record of individual members, their objectives and outcomes if required

Keeping records of attendance and performance

Assessing the qualifications of an employee or contractor for a particular job

Administration of contracts, payments and benefits

Gathering evidence where there is a case for disciplinary action

Member records may include the following: –

1. Name, address and contact details and PPS No.
Names and addresses of parents and guardians/next of kin contact details
Attendance Records
Records of any injuries or accidents
Details of any relevant medical conditions as disclosed by Member
Details of any individual program is applicable
Records of any conduct issues

Instructor records may include the following:

1. These may include names, addresses and contact details and PPS Numbers for instructors
2. Details of work record to include qualifications, classes taught.
3. Administration of contracts, payments and benefits.
4. Details of complaints and/or grievances including consultations or competency discussions, action/improvement/evaluation plans.

Total Bikram Yoga Cork Limited commits to ensuring that all personal data records are obtained, processed, used and are retained in accordance with the following: –

1. That information and data will be obtained and processed fairly.
2. That information and data will be kept for one or more specified explicit and lawful purposes.
3. That information and data will be used and disclosed only in ways compatible with these purposes.
4. That information and data will be kept safe and secure.
5. That information will be kept accurate, complete and up-to-date.
6. That information and data will be adequate, relevant and not excessive.
7. That information and data will be retained for no longer than as is necessary for the purpose(s).
8. That a copy of his personal data shall be given to an individual on request.

It is essential that records are kept up-to-date and accurate.  Members, instructors and employees should notify a Director of Total Bikram Yoga Cork Limited if there are changes in any of the following: –

1. Address and telephone
2. Name and phone number for emergency contact

Personal data will be held only for as long as is necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was obtained. Where there is no further need to hold the personal data concerned, it will be returned to the individual concerned or destroyed in a secure manner.

Except in the cases where statutory exemptions apply, Total Bikram Yoga Cork Limited recognises the right to access to personal records, the right to have written out of date information corrected or removed. The right to be informed of the identity of any third parties to whom personal data may be disclosed relating to an individual is also recognised. Any individual who wishes to see their personal records should submit a written request to a Director of Total Bikram Yoga Cork Limited in accordance with the Data Protection Acts 1998 to 2003.
Such records will be made available within 40 days.

In the event of a sale of the business, Total Bikram Yoga Cork Limited may disclose personal data to a prospective Purchaser subject to the prospective Purchaser entering into a confidentiality agreement in respect of such personal data.

This Policy applies to the keeping and processing of personal data in manual form and on computer including personal data held on instructors, members and employees. Data means information in a form, which can be processed including automated data and manual data.
Automated data includes information on computer or information recorded with the intention of putting it on computer. Manual data includes information kept as part of a relevant filing system over the intention it should form part of a relevant filing system. A relevant filing system means any set of information structures by reference to individuals or criteria relating to individuals and while not automated is structured so that specific information relating to a particular individual is assessable. Personal data means data relating to a living who is or can be identified from the data or from data in conjunction with other information that it is in or likely to come into the possession of the data controller. The Data Controller is the individual or entity, which controls the contents and use of personal data. The Policy applies to employees, instructors, members, next of kin/parents and guardians and others insofar as the measures under the Policy relate to them.